Should I get a dog? 10 questions to ask yourself
Are you thinking of getting a dog? Ask yourself these questions first to make sure you’re ready for one.

Being ready for a dog doesn’t just mean preparing your house for their arrival and buying everything you need.
Before all of that, you need to make sure you’re actually ready to welcome a dog into your life. You may be dreaming about sofa snuggles and long walks, but there’s much more to being a dog’s forever companion. Not only does it come with a lot of responsibility, it’s for life.
Taking your time to fully consider all aspects of dog ownership and prepare will help set you up for a lifelong, successful relationship with your new pal.
10 questions to consider before getting a dog
You may have asked yourself ‘am I ready for a dog?’ Maybe you’ve thought ‘should I get a puppy or adopt an older dog?’. But, those questions alone won’t ensure it’s definitely the time to welcome a furry friend into your family.
To make sure you’ve thought about it and come to the right decision, it’s very important that you ask yourself these questions and know the answers first.
1. Do I have the time?
How much commitment does a puppy need? We’re not going to sugarcoat it for you. The answer’s a lot.
Your pooch can’t be left home alone for hours at a time. Not only do you not want them to be crossing their legs because they’re desperate for the toilet, but they’re social creatures that require company. So, can you be at home with them during the day? Are you able to organise a dog walker or day care for the days you can’t be there?
You must be able to ensure your dog isn't left for longer than they’re comfortable with, both in terms of toileting and how confident and relaxed they are on their own. It’s important to spend time getting them comfortable with being home alone. Then, actually leaving a dog alone must be built up slowly.
As well as having the time to be at home for your pup, you also need to be able to dedicate time to training and games. Every dog is different, but most dogs need lots of mental stimulation and love to learn. Likewise, you need to have time to walk and exercise them every day too.
2. Am I happy to plan my time around them?
Alongside actually having the time to spend with your pooch, you need to be happy to plan that time around them. You can’t jet off on any last-minute holidays or plan spur-of-the-moment day trips. If you do, you’ll need to bring them with you or arrange for them to be looked after.
Does the idea of a day out with your pup or a dog-friendly holiday sound perfect to you? If not, and you’re often out doing things your pup can’t join in with, you need to consider whether you’re willing to make changes to ensure that they do fit in with your lifestyle.
It’s important to consider your schedule day-to-day too – dogs generally love routine and will likely need you to follow this as closely as possible from morning to night, every day.
3. Do I have the patience for a pooch?
So, if you’ve got the time for a pup – do you have the patience? Whether they’re a puppy or an adult dog that joins your family, it will take time for them to settle in and adjust to their new home.
While a young pup is learning for the first time, it may have been quite some time since an older rescue dog lived in a home. From house training to building up their time alone , dogs need someone who will give them the time and support required to learn these skills.
Patience and positivity are key to training your pooch (alongside using rewards.) They’ll get there but you need to be willing to go back a step if they need a little more help or professional support may be needed.
4. Am I able to meet all their needs?
Your dog has needs that have to be met every day. From getting up for them in the morning, to taking them on a walk come rain or shine. You must provide somewhere suitable to live, with everything they need from a bed to toys.
It’s also important to provide mental enrichment as well as physical exercise. You’ll have to learn to understand your dog, so you can give them everything they need.
Under the animal welfare act you must be able to meet a dog’s five needs.
Those are:
- their need for a suitable environment
- their need for a suitable diet
- their need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
- any need they have to be housed with, or apart from, other animals
- their need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
Need to know: Pet owners must make sure their pet’s welfare needs are met, otherwise they could be banned from owning animals, face an unlimited fine or be imprisoned for up to five years.
The first three or four months of your puppy’s life are particularly important. This is the sensitive socialisation period when they need you to introduce them to the world around them in a gradual and positive way. However, you must make sure your pup is happy for the duration of their life. This includes ensuring they’re confident and relaxed in different environments and situations.
It’s also important to start training your pup early – you can sign them up to our Dog School classes to give them the best possible start.

5. Can I commit long-term?
A dog is for life. So, you need to be sure that you can commit to them long-term. As far as you’re aware, do they fit in with your future plans? Are you likely to have children? Move house? Change jobs? Want to travel or move abroad?
Of course, we can never plan for the unexpected. But, by doing your best to ensure that it’s highly likely you’ll be able to commit to dog companionship long-term, you’ll reduce the chances of having to rehome your dog in the future.
6. Can I afford a dog?
Whether you buy or rescue your dog, this is the first cost of many. You’ll then have daily ongoing costs for life. This includes bedding, toys, treats, food, grooming, insurance – and other essentials.
There are expected and potentially unexpected vet bills, which could creep up with your pup’s age. You may also need to pay for a trainer or behaviourist. However, if you adopt your dog from us, you’ll have access to free behaviour advice over the phone for the duration of their life.
If your answer to question one concluded that yes, you would be happy to organise a dog walker or doggy day care when you’re at work or away – remember, you’ve got to pay for that too.
So, not only do you need to be able to commit to your dog long-term, you need to be sure that you can afford to look after them for the duration of their lives too.
7. Do I want a dog for the right reasons?
With all the above in mind, it’s very important to make sure you want a dog for the right reasons.
A dog should never be an impulse purchase, nor should they be a gift that may be discarded when the recipient gets bored. If you do want to give a dog lover a present they’ll love, why not - sponsor a dog on their behalf instead?
Dog companionship can bring us an enormous amount of joy, and even positively impact our wellbeing. It’s important, however, to equally consider what you can do on a daily basis to enrich your dog’s life. Dog companionship is most enjoyable when the relationship is mutually beneficial.
A dog will become a member of your family. That’s why you should think carefully and not rush into anything.
8. Would a different pet fit my circumstances better?
With that in mind, is a dog the right pet for you right now? From poop scooping to cleaning fur off your furniture, are you ready for everything that comes with dog companionship? If not, perhaps there’s another pet that would better fit your current circumstances and lifestyle.
It’s important to consider everyone that lives in your home and ensure that a pooch is the right fit for the whole family. It’s also worth thinking about any regular visitors that come to your house too.
If children live in your home, we recommend close, adult supervision at all times to ensure interactions between children and dogs remain safe and enjoyable for everyone.
It’s important children understand how to kindly and safely build a bond with their four-legged friend, and that adults are prepared for all that comes with managing these important relationships. We offer both free school workshops and family workshops to help with this.
9. Will current pets welcome a pooch into their home?
As well as making sure a dog is right for everyone in your family, you also need to ensure they’ll fit in with any other pets. If you have a cat, for instance, do they get on with dogs? (Though it’s important to remember this doesn’t mean they will get on with all dogs.) How will they feel about a dog being in their home? It’s important to make sure that cats and dogs can live comfortably together and are introduced in the right way.
10. Should I foster first?
Whether you answered yes to all of the above, or there are a few you’re not sure about – it’s worth considering fostering a dog first. This is particularly worthwhile doing if you’ve never had a dog of your own before. While you make sure that you can commit to everything that comes with dog companionship, you’re also helping a rescue dog on their journey to finding their forever home. And, you never know – one of the dogs you foster may well be the one for you.
Alternatives to getting a dog
Now you have the answers to all your questions, you’ll know if you’re ready for a dog or not. If you are – wonderful. You can start looking into getting a puppy or dog responsibly. If you’re not, then don’t worry. It doesn’t mean you’ll never welcome a furry friend into your family but perhaps now isn’t the right time.
Depending on your circumstances, why not look into volunteering or even sponsoring – both of which will enable you to still help a dog in need.